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Smart folks depend on SpeedCurve

Skater shapes
Making GOV.UK pages load faster and use less data
We made a simple code change but the impact on the wider GOV.UK codebase was significant. We changed the way the `@font-face` loading method referenced fonts...
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Launching A Successful Redesign For 20 Million Students at Quizlet
When more than 20 million people use your service each month, how and when you roll out a redesign matters. When considering making a big update, we knew we had to make it better for our users not just aesthetically but also functionally...
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Airbnb's faster, better trip to Linaria
Airbnb used SpeedCurve to ensure Linaria, their new CSS-in-JS library, delivered both better web performance and developer experience...
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The Guardian
Breaking News at 1000ms with the Guardian
Patrick details the performance pitfalls and bottlenecks from networking to rendering their team has had to break through in order to deliver the latest news hot off the press and straight to the browser within the psychologically important 1000ms barrier...
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Speeding Up NerdWallet
NerdWallet shares how adopting SpeedCurve is "probably the biggest change we've made to ensure we are on top of our performance" by building "a culture that values site performance and measures it on a regular basis."..
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