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Smart folks depend on SpeedCurve

Skater shapes
How Ancestry shifted to user-centered performance metrics saw a 7% increase in conversions after improving render time by 68%, page weight by 46% and load time by 64%...
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Pinterest builds a Foundation for Performance
How the web performance team tackled the task of gathering data, prevented performance regression as developers shipped new features, executed on the best opportunities to improve the Pinterest experience for our users, and made performance a priority for the company...
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Launching A Successful Redesign For 20 Million Students at Quizlet
When more than 20 million people use your service each month, how and when you roll out a redesign matters. When considering making a big update, we knew we had to make it better for our users not just aesthetically but also functionally...
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Speeding up GOV.UK with HTTP/2
GOV.UK enabled HTTP2 and were able to measure that this significantly improved performance. They found that, for users with slower devices and connections, start render improved by 2.5 seconds and page load time by 6 seconds.....
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25% Faster Hotel Search with Trivago
In emerging markets, maintaining optimal web performance can become a challenge: varying network conditions and different device topology cause issues. Thanks to trivago's rigorous testing culture, we identified these issues in one of our key emerging markets...
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