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Smart folks depend on SpeedCurve

Skater shapes
Airbnb's faster, better trip to Linaria
Airbnb used SpeedCurve to ensure Linaria, their new CSS-in-JS library, delivered both better web performance and developer experience...
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How Ancestry shifted to user-centered performance metrics saw a 7% increase in conversions after improving render time by 68%, page weight by 46% and load time by 64%...
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BBC News
Introducing a faster BBC News front page
I have regularly and loudly complained that the BBC News website is unnecessarily slow, so when I was given the opportunity to help rebuild one of the most visited pages of BBC News—the front page—I jumped at the chance...
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Crafting Faster Themes at Shopify
By keeping to performance budgets throughout the entire project, we’ve produced the fastest feature-rich theme in the Shopify Theme Store...
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Speeding Up NerdWallet
NerdWallet shares how adopting SpeedCurve is "probably the biggest change we've made to ensure we are on top of our performance" by building "a culture that values site performance and measures it on a regular basis."..
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The Guardian
Breaking News at 1000ms with the Guardian
Patrick details the performance pitfalls and bottlenecks from networking to rendering their team has had to break through in order to deliver the latest news hot off the press and straight to the browser within the psychologically important 1000ms barrier...
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How Casper shaved 1.7 seconds off by self-hosting Optimizely
We recently deployed a change to that loaded a piece of 3rd party JavaScript from our own server instead of the vendor’s server. This change shaved 1.7 seconds off of the start render time...
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How QuintoAndar increased conversion rates
A project focused on optimizing Core Web Vitals and migrating to Next.js resulted in a 5% increase in conversion rates and a 87% increase in pages per session...
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