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Smart folks depend on SpeedCurve

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Business Insider
Business Insider and art of correlation and performance metrics
At Insider Inc., we have been ramping up our focus on synthetic testing as an important way to test web performance. A more performant user experience translates to user satisfaction...
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Vox Media
Building a mobile-first and performance-first culture at Vox Media
A mobile-first perspective is also a performance-first perspective at Vox Media. Dan Chilton and Guillermo Esteves talk about how they helped build a culture of performance...
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The Telegraph
Improving third-party web performance at The Telegraph
We use SpeedCurve and have found it invaluable to help pinpoint potential problems along the way. The dashboards they offer around JavaScript usage and third-parties remind us to keep a record of where we’ve come from and where we need to be...
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BBC News
Introducing a faster BBC News front page
I have regularly and loudly complained that the BBC News website is unnecessarily slow, so when I was given the opportunity to help rebuild one of the most visited pages of BBC News—the front page—I jumped at the chance...
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The Guardian
Breaking News at 1000ms with the Guardian
Patrick details the performance pitfalls and bottlenecks from networking to rendering their team has had to break through in order to deliver the latest news hot off the press and straight to the browser within the psychologically important 1000ms barrier...
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The Telegraph
Improving Cumulative Layout Shift at Telegraph Media Group
The leading UK news website used SpeedCurve to demonstrate how they improved their 75th percentile CLS by 250% from 0.25 to 0.1...
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Financial Times
Designing a sustainable front-end toolset for Financial Times
The Financial Times explain how they cut Time To Interactive in half across their main applications while keeping the process sustainable and supportable.....
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Vox Media
Declaring performance bankruptcy at Vox Media
Look, we know our sites aren’t as performant as they could be… I mean, let’s cut to the chase here... our sites are friggin’ slow, okay!..
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