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Smart folks depend on SpeedCurve

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The Guardian
Breaking News at 1000ms with the Guardian
Patrick details the performance pitfalls and bottlenecks from networking to rendering their team has had to break through in order to deliver the latest news hot off the press and straight to the browser within the psychologically important 1000ms barrier...
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Farfetch reduces page load by over a second
Farfetch analyzed more than 1M pageviews and found that conversion rate decreased 2.7% for each additional second of TTI on mobile, and 2.1% on desktop.....
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Leroy Merlin
Fostering a web performance culture on
French retailer LeroyMerlin shares how they use a combination of RUM and synthetic monitoring – including performance budgets and alerts – to keep their entire team up to speed...
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Vox Media
Building a mobile-first and performance-first culture at Vox Media
A mobile-first perspective is also a performance-first perspective at Vox Media. Dan Chilton and Guillermo Esteves talk about how they helped build a culture of performance...
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Building a Web Performance Culture at
It’s easy for a website’s performance to degrade over time. Trying to keep up with the competition through innovation rarely affords the time to tune and optimize and, often times, organizations struggle with balancing performance technical debt with their day-to-day operations...
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Pinterest builds a Foundation for Performance
How the web performance team tackled the task of gathering data, prevented performance regression as developers shipped new features, executed on the best opportunities to improve the Pinterest experience for our users, and made performance a priority for the company...
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Crafting Faster Themes at Shopify
By keeping to performance budgets throughout the entire project, we’ve produced the fastest feature-rich theme in the Shopify Theme Store...
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Marks & Spencer
How PerfOps is revolutionising performance at Marks & Spencer
In this talk, Andy shares Marks & Spencer’s performance journey, what they learned along the way, and where they plan to go from here...
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Speeding Up NerdWallet
NerdWallet shares how adopting SpeedCurve is "probably the biggest change we've made to ensure we are on top of our performance" by building "a culture that values site performance and measures it on a regular basis."..
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Vox Media
Declaring performance bankruptcy at Vox Media
Look, we know our sites aren’t as performant as they could be… I mean, let’s cut to the chase here... our sites are friggin’ slow, okay!..
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Financial Times
Designing a sustainable front-end toolset for Financial Times
The Financial Times explain how they cut Time To Interactive in half across their main applications while keeping the process sustainable and supportable.....
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Holiday Extras
Holiday Extras tackles single page application performance at scale
We used the RUM/LUX 'blocking scripts' metric to convert our last sync script and reduced load time by 40%...
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How Farfetch built a performance culture at scale
We love how SpeedCurve addresses performance budgets, which have been helping us achieve our goals...
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The Telegraph
Improving third-party web performance at The Telegraph
We use SpeedCurve and have found it invaluable to help pinpoint potential problems along the way. The dashboards they offer around JavaScript usage and third-parties remind us to keep a record of where we’ve come from and where we need to be...
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How Ancestry shifted to user-centered performance metrics saw a 7% increase in conversions after improving render time by 68%, page weight by 46% and load time by 64%...
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