This month, we've made some updates to our synthetic testing agents. In addition to upgrading the underlying operating system, we've added support for:
Every year feels like a big year here at SpeedCurve, and 2024 was no exception. Here's a recap of product highlights designed to make your performance monitoring even better and easier!
Our biggest achievements this year have centred on making it easier for you to:
Keep reading to learn more...
Our development team recently emerged from an offsite with two wonderful improvements to SpeedCurve. The team tackled a project to unify our filtering, and then they over-delivered with a re-Vital-ized dashboard that I'm finding to be one of the most useful views in the product.
Take a look at the recent updates – and a big thank you to our amazing team for putting so much love into SpeedCurve!
Paper cut: (literal) A wound caused by a piece of paper or any thin, sharp material that can slice through skin. (figurative) A trivial-seeming problem that causes a surprising amount of pain.
We all love big showy features, and this year we've released our share of those. But sometimes it's the small stuff that can make a big difference. We recently took a look at our backlog of smaller requests from our customers – which we labelled "paper cuts" – and decided to dedicate time to tackle them.
Are they all glamorous changes? Maybe not, though some are pretty exciting.
Are they worthy of a press release? Ha! We don't even know how to issue a press release.
Will they make your day better and put a smile on your face? We sure hope so.
In total, our wonderful development team tackled more than 30 paper cuts! These include:
Keep scrolling for an overview of some of the highlights.
We've made improvements to how we collect RUM data. Most SpeedCurve users won't see significant changes to Core Web Vitals or other metrics, but for a small number of users some metrics may increase.
This post covers:
Now it's even easier to find and fix Interaction to Next Paint issues and improve your Core Web Vitals.
Our newest release continues our theme of making your RUM data even more actionable. In addition to advanced settings, navigation types, and page attributes, we've just released more diagnostic detail for the latest flavor in Core Web Vitals: Interaction to Next Paint (INP).
This post covers:
I was inspired by Tim Vereecke's excellent talk on noise-cancelling RUM at PerfNow this past November. In this talk, he highlighted a lot of the 'noise' that comes along with capturing RUM data. Tim's approach was to filter out the noise introduced by really fast response times that can be caused by leveraging the browser cache, prerendering, and other performance optimization techniques.
I thought Tim's focus on 'human viewable navigations' was a great approach to use when looking at how to improve user experience. But there also may be times when you want to understand and embrace the noise. Sometimes there are opportunities in the signals that we often forget are there.
In this post, I'll demonstrate how you can use SpeedCurve RUM to identify all types of navigations, their performance impact, and potential opportunities for delivering lightning-fast page speed to your users.
We'll cover things like:
Image by Freepik
On-demand testing has sparked a lot of discussion here at SpeedCurve over the past year. You've always had the ability to manually trigger a round of tests – based on the scheduled tests in your settings – using the 'Test Now' button. But there hasn't been a lot of flexibility to support nuanced use cases, such as...
"I just deployed changes to my site and want to check for any regressions."
"I saw a change to my RUM data and I want to see if I can replicate it with synthetic for further diagnostics."
"I have a paused site that I don't want to test regularly, but would like to test from time to time."
"Please just let me test any URL I want without setting up a site and scheduling testing."
"I need to quickly debug this script without kicking off tests for my entire site."
"I would like to get a first look at a page in order to troubleshoot regressions I saw in RUM."
Based on your feedback, we've just launched new capabilities for on-demand testing. We're pretty excited about these, and we hope you will be, too!
In this post, we'll:
Let's goooooooo!
Every year feels like a big year here at SpeedCurve, and 2023 was no exception.
Among other things, we turned ten! Ten years is a lot of time to reflect, and over this past year our team has been thinking a lot about not just the "what" and "how" of web performance, but also the "why". Why should we – and you – care about delivering a fast, delightful experience to all your users? This "why" informs all the choices we make about the "what" and "how" of our tools.
Looking back over the past year, if I were to pick a word that defined our goals, that word would be "easier". It's no secret that the past couple of years have been challenging for the tech community. In the current landscape of smaller teams, aggressive goals, and an ever-increasing tech stack, how can we make it easier for you to create impact?
Our biggest achievements this year have centred on making it easier for you to:
Keep reading to learn more...
As highlighted in our December product update, we've been making a lot of improvements in the area of CI/CD. In addition to the new Deployments dashboards and Notes updates, we've launched a new GitHub integration. Our purpose in building this integration is to lower the barrier for getting web performance feedback for your code changes, directly in the environment you are working in.
Follow along below for an example of how you can use this integration in practice to fight web performance regressions and keep your pages fast.
Holy cow, it's been a busy few months! SpeedCurve turned ten, we attended (and gave talks at), Firefox added support for Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), and oh yeah... we just shipped a ton of stuff! (We wanted to wait until the dust settled around Black Friday/Cyber Monday for all of our friends in retail, which led to a pretty monumental release.)
So get comfy and check out our holiday updates.
You may already know that SpeedCurve lets you test multiple URLs for a site across a wide selection of browsers, devices, connection types, and geolocations.
You may also know that SpeedCurve lets you add synthetic scripts to your test settings, which lets you easily do things like simulate a repeat view or block a third party.
But did you also know that we've made it easy to simulate more complex use cases? These include:
Keep reading to learn how Recipes make it easy for you to test a variety of scenarios that can help you understand how your visitors are experiencing your site – and how to improve their experience!
There is a lot of excitement in the world of web performance these days, and April has been no exception! At SpeedCurve, we've been focused on staying on top of the items that affect you the most.
Here is a look at what's new in SpeedCurve:
All of this work driven by the community is having a big impact in our collective goal to make performance accessible for everyone.
Read on to learn more about these exciting changes!
Things have been busy over here at SpeedCurve HQ! Coming off of the back of our latest RUM Compare dashboard release, we are super excited to launch four new dashboards to make your life better, your work easier, and your websites faster.
Let's take a look!
Every year feels like a big year, and 2022 has been no exception. Not only did we celebrate our ninth birthday (!!!) we also:
Keep reading for a full recap of the past year...
Exploring real user (RUM) data can be a hugely enlightening process. It uncovers things about your users and their behavior that you never might have suspected. That said, it's not uncommon to spend precious time peeling back the layers of the onion, only to find false positives or uncertainty in all that data.
At SpeedCurve, we believe a big part of our job is making your job easier. This was a major driver behind the Synthetic Compare dashboard we released last year, which so many of you given us great feedback on.
As you may have guessed, since then we've been hard at work coming up with the right way to explore and compare your RUM datasets using a similar design pattern. Today, we are thrilled to announce your new RUM Compare dashboard!
With your RUM Compare dashboard, you can easily generate side-by-side comparisons for any two cohorts of data. Some of the many reasons you might want to do this include:
Let's take a tour...
Labeling your pages in your synthetic and real user monitoring (RUM) tools is a crucial step in your performance monitoring setup. We recently released some exciting new capabilities for labeling your RUM pages that we want to share with you. This is also a great opportunity to reiterate why page labels are important, and to show you how easy it is to apply labels to your pages.
There are so many benefits to labeling your pages in both your synthetic and real user monitoring (RUM) tools. Page labels give you the ability to:
Ready to learn more? Let's get to it!
It's been another busy month here at SpeedCurve! Check out our latest product updates below.
We've been busy here at SpeedCurve HQ! Here's a roundup of our recent product updates.
Shortly before the end of the year, we snuck in a couple of last-minute gifts for 2021. It was a great year for SpeedCurve with a lot of renewed focus on RUM. We couldn't think of a better way to finish out the year than to launch the new Live and Page Views dashboards. Let's take a look!